people and crowd detection

People & Crowd

Transform your operations with Intozi’s advanced people counting system and crowd analytics using AI video analytics to gain quantified insights on crowd trends. Achieve operational intelligence through data-driven analysis of crowd patterns.

People & Crowd

Transform your operations with Intozi’s advanced people counting system and crowd analytics using AI video analytics to gain quantified insights on crowd trends. Achieve operational intelligence through data-driven analysis of crowd patterns.

people and crowd detection

Intelligent Traffic Management System

Amazing and high-class traffic management systems for reducing traffic congestion, improving the ease of traffic flow.

People & Crowd Use Cases

Improve customer experience and operational efficiency by leveraging Intozi’s
video analytics applications, like Face Recognition System.

Video Analytics Solutions for People & Crowd

Face Recognition System

Intozi’s Face Recognition System works perfectly to identify people by capturing and storing facial data. It is a suitable solution to authenticate identities and even detect suspicious behavior in public areas. The FRS Solution is meant for face matching using an existing database and management system for access control. Additionally, it enhances security measures by providing real-time alerts for unauthorized access attempts.

Highly Accurate NIST Certified AI Model: Ensures precision and reliability in facial recognition, certified by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

HRMS Integration: Integrates with Human Resource Management Systems for streamlined employee authentication and attendance tracking.

Distant Recognition: Recognizes faces from a distance, enhancing security in large public areas and entrances.

Access Control Integration: Works with existing access control systems to manage entry to secure areas, allowing only authorized personnel access.

Instant Alert for Listed Faces: Provides real-time alerts for recognized faces in the system, enabling swift action for unauthorized access or suspicious individuals.

Liveliness Detection: Distinguishes between real human faces and fake representations to prevent spoofing and ensure only live individuals are authenticated.

People Counting

Intozi’s People Counting system utilizes advanced AI video analytics to accurately track and tally the number of individuals entering or exiting a specific area. This technology provides real-time data on foot traffic, enabling businesses to optimize operations, measure customer engagement, and enhance management. By leveraging AI video analytics, organizations can make informed decisions based on accurate and timely data, leading to improved efficiency and better resource allocation.

Real-Time Tracking & Alerts: AI-powered video analytics ensure accurate, instant tracking of individuals entering and exiting premises, allowing proactive management based on real-time alerts and instant notifications.

Seamless Integration & Scalability: Integrates smoothly with existing application system and scales effectively for various facility sizes, from retail stores to large events and transportation hubs.

Enhanced Customer Engagement: Provides valuable data on customer behavior and foot traffic patterns, enabling businesses to tailor their services and improve customer satisfaction.

Operational Efficiency: Helps in resource allocation and staff management by providing accurate foot traffic data, leading to improved operational efficiency and cost savings.

Data Analytics & Reporting: Offers detailed analytics and reporting capabilities to help businesses understand foot traffic trends and make data-driven decisions.

Why Choose Intozi's People Counting System and Crowd Analysis?

At Intozi, we offer advanced AI video analytics for effective foot traffic management. Our People Counting System and automatic Crowd Analysis provide real-time counting and insights to optimize traffic flow. Designed for businesses of all sizes, our innovative technology solutions streamline operations and deliver valuable insights.

Gesture Detection

Intozi's Gesture Detection system employs advanced AI video analytics to interpret human emotions in real-time, accurately detecting expressions like happiness, sadness, neutrality, and anger. It enhances user engagement with real-time analysis and customizable alerts, allowing for proactive responses to emotional cues. This technology is pivotal for applications requiring user interaction and emotional analysis, contributing to enhanced understanding and responsiveness in various environments.

Emotion Recognition: Detects and interprets emotions such as happiness, sadness, neutrality, and anger based on facial expressions.

Real-time Analysis: Provides instantaneous feedback on emotional states, enabling quick responses and interventions.

Customizable Alerts: Generates alerts or notifications based on detected emotions for proactive action.

Integration Capabilities: Easily integrates with existing systems and applications for enhanced functionality.

Enhanced User Interaction: Improves user experience by enabling intuitive and emotion-aware interaction.

Tailgating/Piggybacking Detection

Intozi's Tailgating/Piggybacking Detection solution leverages advanced AI video analytics to monitor and prevent unauthorized access through secured entry points. By analyzing real-time video feeds, the system can detect and alert security personnel to instances of tailgating or piggybacking, where an unauthorized person follows an authorized person into a restricted area. This technology enhances security protocols and ensures that only authorized personnel gain access to sensitive areas.

Real-Time Detection: Monitors entry points continuously to identify tailgating and piggybacking attempts as they occur.

Automated Alerts: Provides immediate notifications to security personnel upon detecting unauthorized entry attempts.

Access Control Integration: Seamlessly integrates with existing access control systems to enhance security measures.

Behavioral Pattern Analysis: Utilizes AI to analyze and learn from entry and exit patterns, improving detection accuracy over time.

Incident Recording and Reporting: Captures and logs video evidence of incidents, facilitating review and investigation processes.

Walking/ Running

Intozi's Walking/Running Detection solution utilizes AI video analytics to monitor and analyze human movement patterns. The system accurately distinguishes between walking and running behaviors, providing real-time data and alerts. This technology is crucial for enhancing security, managing crowd control, and ensuring safety in various environments. By detecting unusual movement patterns, it helps prevent potential incidents and optimize operational efficiency.

Real-Time Monitoring: Continuous surveillance and instant detection of walking and running activities.

Behavioral Analysis: Differentiates between walking and running to identify unusual or suspicious activities.

Customizable Alerts: Sends immediate notifications for predefined movement patterns, ensuring quick response.

Seamless Integration: Easily integrates with existing security and surveillance systems

Detailed Analytics: Provides comprehensive reports on movement patterns for improved decision-making and safety measures

Crowd Statistics & Heatmap

Intozi's Crowd Statistics & Heatmap solution employs AI video analytics to provide detailed insights into crowd dynamics. By analyzing real-time video feeds, the system generates statistical data on crowd size, density, and movement patterns. Heatmaps visually represent these insights, enabling effective space management, resource allocation, and enhanced safety measures. This solution is invaluable for venues, events, and public spaces to optimize operations and ensure visitor safety.

Real-Time Crowd Counting: Continuously monitors and counts individuals in a designated area, providing up-to-the-minute crowd statistics.

Density Analysis: Analyzes crowd density to identify congested areas and optimize space utilization.

Movement Tracking: Tracks crowd movement patterns to understand flow and identify potential bottlenecks.

Visual Heatmaps: Generates heatmaps to visually represent crowd density and movement, aiding in quick decision-making.

Customizable Reports: Provides detailed reports with customizable parameters to suit specific event or location requirements.

Crowd Estimation

Intozi's Crowd Estimation solution utilizes AI video analytics to accurately estimate the number of people in a specific area. By processing real-time video data, the system provides precise headcounts and density metrics, enabling effective crowd management. This technology is essential for ensuring safety, optimizing space usage, and enhancing the overall experience at events, public spaces, and transportation hubs.

Real-Time Counting: Provides accurate and instant crowd estimates, enabling timely interventions and management.

Density Analysis: Analyzes crowd density to identify overcrowded areas and prevent potential safety hazards.

Scalable Solution: Adaptable to various environments, from small venues to large public spaces, ensuring effective crowd control.

Integration with Security Systems: Easily integrates with existing surveillance and security infrastructure for comprehensive monitoring.

Automated Alerts: Generates alerts for crowd thresholds, helping to manage and control large gatherings efficiently.

Crowd Anomaly Detection

Intozi's Crowd Anomaly Detection solution leverages AI video analytics to identify unusual or suspicious behavior within large groups of people. By analyzing real-time video data, the system detects deviations from normal crowd patterns, such as sudden movements, loitering, or gathering in restricted areas. This proactive approach enhances public safety and security by enabling rapid responses to potential threats and incidents.

Real-Time Anomaly Detection: Monitors and identifies unusual behavior in crowds instantly, allowing for immediate intervention.

Behavioral Analysis:Utilizes AI to analyze and learn normal crowd behavior patterns, improving the accuracy of anomaly detection.

Automated Alerts: Sends instant notifications to security personnel when abnormal activities are detected, ensuring timely responses.

Heatmap Visualization: Provides visual heatmaps to show crowd density and movement patterns for better situational awareness.

Historical Data Analysis: Analyzes past crowd behavior data to improve future anomaly detection and response strategies.

Dwell Time Analysis

Intozi’s Dwell time analysis using AI video analytics refers to the process of leveraging artificial intelligence to monitor and interpret the duration that individuals or objects spend in specific areas within a video frame. This technology is widely applied in various sectors, including retail, security, and transportation, to enhance operational efficiency and customer experience. It enables organizations to make data-driven decisions by providing actionable insights into spatial dynamics and usage patterns.

Real-time Monitoring: Our AI video analytics provides instant insights by continuously tracking and analyzing the dwell time of individuals or objects in designated areas.

Heat Mapping: Visual representation of dwell time data through heat maps helps identify high-traffic zones and popular areas within a monitored space.

Behavioral Insights: By analyzing dwell time patterns, businesses can gain valuable insights into customer behavior, such as preferred products or services and peak visitation times.

Alerts and Notifications: Automated alerts can be configured to notify staff when dwell time exceeds a certain threshold, indicating potential issues like overcrowding or unattended suspicious activities.

Data Integration and Reporting: Seamless integration with existing data systems and comprehensive reporting capabilities allow for detailed analysis and informed decision-making based on dwell time metrics.


How accurate is the NIST certified AI model used in the face recognition system?

The AI model is certified by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) for facial recognition, ensuring high accuracy and reliability in identifying individuals.

Can the face recognition system integrate with existing HRMS (Human Resource Management Systems)?

Yes, the system seamlessly integrates with HRMS to authenticate employees and track attendance, improving operational efficiency and accuracy.

How does the system provide instant alerts for recognized faces?

The system sends real-time alerts when recognized faces are detected, allowing immediate action to be taken for unauthorized access or the presence of suspicious individuals.

What is liveliness detection and why is it important?

Liveliness detection distinguishes between real human faces and fake representations (such as photos or videos), ensuring that only live individuals are authenticated. This feature prevents spoofing attempts and enhances overall security.

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