
Scale up safety and security monitoring processes by using Intozi’s video analytics applications,get instant alerts in autonomous manner to prevent crucial security conditions such as intrusion, smoke & fire,safety protocol breach

Intelligent Traffic Management System

Amazing and high-class traffic management systems for reducing traffic congestion, improving the ease of traffic flow.

Safety Use Cases

Intozi offers a wide range of

Video Analytics Solutions for Safety & Security

PPE Detection

Intozi’s PPE Detection system leverages advanced AI video analytics to accurately identify and monitor the usage of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as helmets, vests, and gloves in real-time. This innovative technology ensures compliance with safety protocols, minimizes risks, and enhances workplace safety by providing real-time alerts and customizable monitoring solutions. Adaptable to various industries, this system integrates seamlessly with existing security infrastructures.

Real-Time Safety Monitoring: Instant monitoring of PPE kit usage to ensure compliance and timely interventions.

Customizable Alerts: Real-time alerts for PPE violations, enabling swift corrective actions.

Seamless Integration: Easily integrates with existing or any third party application for efficient implementation.

Accuracy and Precision: Advanced AI algorithms ensure reliable detection with minimal false identifications.

Adaptability: Suitable for diverse environments, scalable across industries such as manufacturing, warehousing, automation, and healthcare.

Smoke & Fire Detection

Intozi’s AI-based Smoke and Fire Detection system leverages advanced video analytics to identify fires and smoke at an early stage, enhancing safety and prevention measures. By analyzing video streams and environmental data in real-time, the system provides timely alerts, reduces false alarms, and offers valuable insights to prevent incidents and improve emergency planning. This technology integrates seamlessly with third-party applications, making it a cost-effective and accurate solution for fire safety.

Early Detection: Identifies smoke and fire at an early stage, providing real-time smart alerts to prevent incidents.

High Accuracy: Offers detection accuracy above 98%, significantly reducing the chances of false alarms.

Real Evidence: Captures and provides concrete evidence of fire incidents for better analysis and response.

Integration Capability: Easily integrates with any third-party applications, enhancing the overall safety infrastructure.

Data and Analytics: Provides real-time data and analytics, aiding in the development of preventive measures and improved emergency planning.

Fence Jumping

Fence jumping is a common problem that can compromise the security of any property. With AI video analytics solutions, fence jumping detection has become easier and more effective. Using advanced computer vision technology, our solution can detect and prevent unauthorized access in real-time, allowing you to take action before incidents occur.

Real-Time Alerts: Provides instant notifications for potential fence jumping attempts, enabling immediate response.

Advanced Analytics: Utilizes sophisticated algorithms to detect and prevent unauthorized access, enhancing security measures.

Integration with Existing Systems: Seamlessly integrates with current security infrastructure, ensuring a comprehensive security solution.

Video Evidence: Captures and stores video evidence of intrusion events for review and action.

Third-Party Integration: Easily integrates with third-party systems, expanding its functionality and utility.


Intozi’s Loitering Detection system leverages advanced AI video analytics to identify and monitor individuals who loiter in restricted or sensitive areas. This technology enhances security by detecting unusual or suspicious behavior in real-time, allowing for timely interventions. The system is ideal for use in various settings such as commercial properties, public spaces, transportation hubs, and educational institutions, helping to maintain safety and prevent potential security breaches.

Real-Time Detection: Continuously monitors designated areas to detect loitering behavior and provides instant alerts.

Customizable Zones: Allows users to define specific zones and time thresholds for loitering detection to match security needs.

Behavioral Analysis: Uses AI to analyze movement patterns and distinguish between normal and suspicious behavior.

Automated Alerts: Sends real-time notifications to security personnel for immediate response to potential security threats.

Scalability: Easily scalable to cover multiple locations and integrate with existing security infrastructure.

Unattended Object Detection

Intozi’s Unattended Object Detection system employs cutting-edge AI video analytics to identify and alert authorities to the presence of unattended objects in public and private spaces. This technology enhances security by promptly detecting objects left unattended, which could pose safety or security threats. By providing real-time alerts and detailed visual evidence, the system helps mitigate potential risks and ensures a secure environment.

Real-Time Detection: Continuously monitors areas for unattended objects and provides instant alerts upon detection.

Automated Alerts: Sends real-time notifications to security personnel, enabling immediate response to potential threats.

Customizable Sensitivity: Allows users to set detection sensitivity levels to reduce false alarms and ensure accurate detection.

Scalable Solution: Can be deployed across various locations and scaled according to the size and needs of the facility.

Historical Data Analysis: Provides analytical reports on unattended object incidents, helping to identify patterns and improve security measures.

Camera Tampering

Intozi’s Camera Tampering Detection system utilizes advanced AI video analytics to monitor the integrity and functionality of surveillance cameras in real-time. This technology is crucial for ensuring continuous surveillance and security, as it detects unauthorized tampering, obstruction, or damage to cameras. By promptly identifying and alerting security personnel to potential issues, the system helps maintain the effectiveness and reliability of video surveillance operations.

Real-Time Tampering Detection: Monitors video streams in real-time to detect tampering attempts, including physical obstruction, covering, or redirection of cameras.

Alert Generation: Automatically generates alerts and notifications to security personnel or administrators when tampering is detected, enabling prompt investigation and response.

Behavioral Analytics: Uses AI algorithms to analyze camera behavior and detect unusual changes, such as sudden shifts in position or blocked views.

Intelligent Image Comparison: Intelligent Image Comparison: Compares current camera images with baseline images to identify discrepancies caused by tampering or obstruction.

Event Logging and Reporting: Logs and reports detected tampering incidents, including timestamps and images, for audit and investigation purposes.


How does the AI-powered PPE Detection system ensure real-time safety monitoring?

The system continuously monitors video feeds to detect PPE usage in real-time, providing instant alerts and allowing for timely interventions to ensure compliance with safety protocols.

What types of PPE can the system detect?

The system can detect a variety of PPE including helmets, vests, gloves, and other safety gear essential for maintaining a safe work environment.

How does the AI-based system detect smoke and fire early?

The system analyzes video streaming data in real-time to identify potential hazards such as smoke and fire at an early stage, enabling prompt alerts and preventive action.

Can the AI-based smoke and fire detection system integrate with other third party applications?

Yes, the system can easily integrate with third-party applications and existing safety infrastructure, making it a versatile and comprehensive solution for enhancing fire safety across various environments.

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